Lomography LC-A Book with Full-Packed 644 Pages of Images

Categories : Software
Product Code : 3902217162
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List Price : $ 21.99
Price : Check Price
  • Subject: Non Photographic General Interest
  • Edition: First
  • Hard/Soft Cover: Hardcover
  • Pages: 664
  • Illustrations: Yes

The Lomo LC-A Book gives you a full-packed 644 pages of images created by this unique camera. Collected over the last 25 years, the images will both educate and enthrall you with their variety – and you’ll be inspired to go out and shoot your own using your own LC-A.The 3000 images within the covers are on high-quality matte and glossy paper. This hardcover book is truly a welcomed addition to a Lomo-lovers library.

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